Setup Automated Social Media v2: Connect Networks & Auto-Schedule

Before you start:

You will need the username and password for each social network that you wish to connect to your Automated Social Media subscription.

Connect Social Networks

  1. Login to N8
  2. Navigate to Automated Social Media v2 subscription
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Click on the desired network below Connected Networks
  5. Click Continue with ... button
    1. Log in to your social network using the username and password of the profile you use to manage your business page/profile
    2. Accept permissions to allow access to ChiroHosting's app
    3. Once the network is connected, you will be redirected to the Settings > Connected Networks area of N8
      1. Your social page will appear as connected, or may still require you to click the "Link" button
  6. Repeat for other social networks

Configure Auto-Schedule

Once one social network is connected, you are able to configure the Auto-Schedule.

  1. Go to Settings > Auto-Schedule
  2. Configure Auto-Schedule
    1. WHERE: Select the social networks to receive automatically published posts (Note: Selected networks will have blue underline)
    2. WHEN: Select days of the week
    3. WHEN: Select time of day
    4. WHAT: Select content categories allowed to be posted
  3. Click Save My Schedule
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